// Curated this week by Kartic Rakhra


  • Steered the US away from the economic crisis of 2008
  • Ended the Iraq war
  • Turned around the US Auto industry
  • Recapitalized US Banks

That's quite a CV Barack Obama has. But with his presidency almost over, what's next for him? You won't believe what this article suggests! (sorry, I know I've to stop spending time on BuzzFeed)

The organizers of Japan's first VR porn festival had to shutdown because too many people wanted to attend! Men experiencing VR Porn be like...

We're hooked!

There's no denying how tech has creeped in to almost all parts of our lives. The smartphone has become a necessity from a luxury. And now there's research to prove just how hooked we are to our phones (hint: ~3000 touches per day)!

Thought that's scary? Well, in the US, the average time of media consumption went up by an hour since last year. Game of Thrones anyone?


Culturally constructed ignorance, that played a major role in the Brexit vote, is a phenomena that's going global. It's unfortunate how the US is on the same path. This tweet by Edward Snowden hits the hammer on the head.

What do startups do in such economic uncertainty? The people at FDP seem to have an opinion!

Adventure is for everyone!

I've fallen in love with this video by the awesome team at AlienAdv. A marquee video is one of the most important things that a startup needs to get right.

Tweet back some of the best startup videos that you've come across lately!

Stop reading this, go back to work

Naw? Cool. Here's more brain fodder...