*|IF:MERGE1|* Hey *|MERGE1|*,
*|IF:MERGE19|* *|MERGE19|* *|END:IF|*
I haven't written to you for a while, but I won't lie, the last few months have been tougher more than ever. It required both you and me to be mentally, emotionally, and physically fit every day.
But I just wanted to let you know that we are in this together and soon we will hang with all our friends, soon we will have beers with our teammates, and soon we will meet in person, my friend.

Well, that said we're back to drafting some views and sharing our perspective on the Indian startup ecosystem.

My colleague Rohit drafted a quick one-pager for y'all to skim through on what are the key metrics that matter to SaaS investors today
What is the right way to build products? Earlier in my career, I would have told you everything should be AB tested, and that you should build only as little as you need to validate a hypothesis. Every problem should have user research involved at the beginning, aligned on the problem instead of just validating or invalidating solutions. Every key result should be outcome-based.
When I joined HubSpot in January 2014 the mission was clear. One, help build the foundation for a new $100M line of business. Two, do it with a freemium and touchless model. The journey was one with many twists, turns, and lessons which I've boiled down into the Four Fits Framework that I went through in the past five posts.

In this post, I will walk you through how we laid the foundation for the HubSpot Sales product and set it on course towards that $100M goal.
This post is a D.I.Y. guide. You can do these exercises with your own team, without any special expertise. At the end, you’ll have a set of diagrams — a simple brand cheat-sheet — that you can use to make decisions. It’s not a replacement for a good branding agency, but it’s a heckuva lot better than nothing. And if you do hire an agency, the cheat-sheet will make you a better, smarter client.
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- Moriarty
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