*|IF:MERGE1|* Hey *|MERGE1|* ,
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I feel we live in a world that can be really overwhelming at times. We open LinkedIn and find people working at great companies, scroll through twitter and see people with a massive following, and then sometimes wonder how they've got it going so well for them!
Happens to all of us, I believe.
However, very few people come forward and share their real struggle.
In my recent conversation with Tanmaya, founder of recently YC-backed startup inFeedo, we spoke about his journey and how persistence and resilience were key to inFeedo's success.

Tanmaya shares it all: from a point where he translated his mental health battles into a product, and then his journey to making inFeedo become one of the most sought after startups..
This is a phenomenal story.
In my personal opinion, this podcast is not just for founders or people in the startup ecosystem, but for anyone and everyone who might feel a bit bummed at times!
PS: Do wait till the end, it is my favourite part!
PPS: DM me incase you want to watch his Indian Shark Tank video
The pandemic has provided an unprecedented acceleration to Edtech, behaving like the demonetization moment, resulting in an astronomical rise in the number of users, naturally improved engagement time, and an enhanced willingness to pay.
This is because schools do not have the tech infrastructure to tutor remotely, all coaching centers are shut-down, and besides electronic presentations, there isn’t much tech readiness for teaching, assessment, and evaluation at school and university level.
But what we also saw unfolding during the pandemic was the long looming learning crisis compound into an employability crisis, that has forced us to take a step back and rethink the way we want to prepare our population for a career. For a challenge as big as poverty in magnitude, we brainstormed solutions that can not only help achieve the desired learning outcomes but also operate in a model that might be better suited to build a meaningful and sustainable business at scale.

“It’s always been my mission to take psychological concepts that are often overly complex and jargony and put them in language that people can actually understand and take action on,” says Dr. Emily Anhalt, Psy.D. This knack is perhaps best displayed by Anhalt’s Twitter game, where she’s able to unpack convoluted theories of psychology in 280 characters or less.
When she’s not dropping knowledge on social media, Anhalt’s efforts are more specifically aimed at founders. She grew up in Silicon Valley, and was fascinated by the mind of the entrepreneur from an early age. After she finished her training, Anhalt made a career of studying entrepreneurs, cementing herself as an experienced psychologist who’s spent more than a decade helping executives and founders work through their emotions.
Job hopping may be your best bet at a big salary bump, but changing employers can also entail losing a lot of money.
Workers are in for another lackluster year of pay raises. A new survey from advisory firm Willis Towers Watson found that companies expect to award an average increase of 3 percent for employees and managers — the same rate they’ve given each year for the past three years.
Willis Towers Watson surveyed 819 companies earlier this year.
Raise potential varies by performance. Workers with the highest performance ratings can expect an average salary increase of 4.5 percent, the survey found, while those with average ratings can expect 2.6 percent and below-average ratings, 1 percent.
“Nonviolent Communication is the most impactful book I’ve read all year.”
Some people asked me in private: “Are you violently fighting with someone?” At first I was surprised by their question, but then I understood. If I posted “Alcoholics Anonymous: The Big Book is the most impactful book I’ve read,” some people may ask me when’s the next AA meeting.
Some friends I told about the book also admitted to have reading it — as if it were a confession — but hadn’t met anyone else who had. Because of the title’s implications, they were shy about sharing how impactful the book was for them. For this reason, I’ve argued that the title should be rebranded to appeal to a wider audience. Perhaps “Compassionate Communication”.
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