*|IF:MERGE1|* Hey *|MERGE1|* ,
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I've been working with Arjun for the last 3 years, and he has mastered the art of calendar management.
As you go up the value chain in your organisation, more people want your time. Suddenly, your calendar is full of calls and meetings (even when you are not directly responsible). There are times where you even miss out on your own work, just as I did with sending out the newsletter (got delayed by a day).
So, I thought I'll share a few learnings from me reflecting back on this poor time management, plus what I've learnt from Arjun over the years:
  1. Delegation: Find the right person to do the job for you. See how the work can be speard out within the team. As we say, team work makes the dream work.
  2. Audit your calendar: Start with a weekly schedule, then jump to monthly and eventually try and cover up your quarterly achievables through designated slots.
  3. Say No: I understand that you do not want to upset anyone, but saying no is an art, plus it's important. Also, here are a few templates which can maybe help you out here.
  4. Take time off: Well, you might end up working extra long hours these days just because your laptop is infront of you and everytime you sit down to watch Netflix, you end up watching your inbox. I recommend to put a start and stop work mark on your calendar. There will be a few exceptions but yes, you will feel more productive!
Again, my bad on sending this one late. But I'm glad it made me reflect back on my calendar and share these thougths with you.
We’ve been taught that if we want more β€” money, achievement, vitality, joy, peace of mind β€” we need to do more, to add more to our ever-growing to-do list. But what if we’ve been taught wrong? What if the answer to getting more of what we want isn’t addition at all, but subtraction?
As it turns out, evidence supports that if we want to ramp up our productivity and happiness, we should actually be doing less. David Rock, author of Your Brain at Work, found that we’re truly focused on our work a mere six hours per week, which starkly contrasts our collective buy-in to the 40-hour workweek. When you stop doing the things that make you feel busy but aren’t getting you results (and are draining you of energy), then you end up with more than enough time for what matters and a sense of peace and spaciousness that constant activity has kept outside your reach.
It happens all the time. A founder surrounds him or herself with a skilled group of advisors β€” maybe one or two from investors, a trusted mentor from their past, perhaps someone influential who can open doors. But as the company grows and pivots, it becomes clear this is not the best team to create long-term value. Can this situation be avoided by choosing advisors more wisely? Can it be turned around once things aren't great?
As a partner at First Round, Phin Barnes has seen a common problem emerge: Advisors (especially investors) default to removing roadblocks for the companies they support β€” everything from finding them new hires to good lawyers β€” but spend very little time offering strategic, tactical advice that could make an even bigger difference.
Sitting down with each one of your customers to show them the ropes of your product may be more scalable than it sounds. A deep knowledge of your customer is an essential ingredient in creating a great product. That’s why it can be so valuable to get into a conversation with them, whether by email, chat, phone, or face-to-face. So, when I added myself to the waiting list for a new email client called Superhuman, I was impressed to discover that I’d get one-on-one training from the founder himself, Rahul Vohra. ’Wow,’ I thought, ’here’s a company that takes customer development seriously.’
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"The key is in not spending time, but in investing it."

- Stephen R. Covey
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