*|IFNOT:ARCHIVE_PAGE|* *|IF:MERGE1|* Hey *|MERGE1|* , *|END:IF|* *|IF:MERGE19|* *|MERGE19|* *|END:IF|* *|END:IF|* We are making a decision every day, more like every minute to be honest. For e.g. you just made a decision to read my newsletter today and now you are somehow, subconsciously making a decision to read this further or not, but I guess these ones are relatively easy (because I know you want to read this further :D). However, whenever you're working for an organization or your own startup, making decisions can be tough (and you need to make them often)! You don't want to upset anyone, but at the same time, you feel what you're thinking is right. Putting points out during a discussion where you have to decide something, become more subjective to the conversation at hand and less objective to the problem you want to solve. We at Investopad have started using this matrix that helps us make decisions more objectively. If you and your company use some form of tool/process to make decisions, we would love to know, so we can share it with the rest!
One of the worst pieces of advice I ever got was from an investor who told me, “Visit ten VCs. If none of them are interested in investing, then you should quit.” I am so glad I ignored his advice because I would have never gotten funded if I just gave up after meeting ten investors. You learn pretty quickly there are many reasons that an investor may pass on your company. And you also learn that many of them have nothing to do with you. Worse yet, most of the time you rarely get good feedback as to why an investor is passing. You’re left to figure it out on your own.
The pandemic has required many people to make difficult judgments. Politicians have had to decide which restrictions to impose on citizens’ behaviour and individuals were forced to assess how much personal risk to take. Managers, faced with tough calls like which parts of their operations to close, have not been spared.
Good judgment is a quality everyone would like to have. But it is remarkably difficult to define precisely, and many people are not sure whether they personally possess it. Sir Andrew Likierman of the London Business School has spent a long time talking to leaders in a wide range of fields, from business and the army to the law and medicine, in an effort to create a framework for understanding judgment.
An investment strategy that funds lawsuits is expected to grow as more companies become involved in litigation during the economic downturn. If there is one thing that is almost always guaranteed in an economic downturn, it’s an increase in litigation.
Businesses are going to sue businesses. Tenants are going to sue landlords, who will sue their tenants right back. Insurance companies will contest claims, and start-ups will try to defend their intellectual property from more established companies.
Yet in this recession, one industry that was just getting started during the 2008 downturn has come into its own and is attracting wealthy investors looking for outsize returns.
This may look like a basketball WITI when you skim the headline. But it is fundamentally a strategy post, showing the calculus of the game, who is drafted and put in what position, and how the game evolves in time. Laypeople and non-basketball fans can take something away, not just those obsessed with hoops. - Colin (CJN)
Noah here. The NBA is planning on resuming its season at the end of July. The league is reportedly spending $150 million to house 22 teams at Disneyworld in Orlando, where there will be a short conclusion to the regular season followed by a full 16-team playoff. Those who decide to go will be cut off from their families and communities until they’re eliminated from contention or families are allowed to join at the end of August (whichever comes first). Not surprisingly, several players have opted out of the “Bubble” for a host of reasons.