*|IF:MERGE1|* Hey *|MERGE1|*, *|END:IF|*

This week, I've dug up the archives and pulled out some content that's less topical but more thought-provoking.

🤯This first piece is an old and favourite (long read!):
Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System
🧨Folks who do systems analysis have a great belief in “leverage points.” These are places within a complex system (a corporation, an economy, a living body, a city, an ecosystem) where a small shift in one thing can produce big changes in everything.

This idea is not unique to systems analysis — it’s embedded in legend: the silver bullet, the miracle cure, the secret passage, the single hero who turns the tide of history.

🔥Leverage points are points of power.
Software is eating the… online dating
📈This chart did the rounds recently amidst a treasure trove about finding love on the internet.
And this article offers an interesting perspective on how dating is just one of many issues that new generations have to navigate completely on their own:
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨Gone are the days when young generations inherited religions and occupations and life paths from their parents as if they were unalterable strands of DNA. This is the age of DIY-everything, in which individuals are charged with the full-service construction of their careers, lives, faiths, and public identities.
When people wanted to buy things they didn't have money for, they would go to a bank and apply for a loan.

The credit card – one of the most important inventions in modern finance – changed all that.

Almost overnight, the unaffordable became affordable. 

💯Highly recommended.
🍼Milktech startups have had a taste of success based on a simple subscription model of daily essential delivery. What has led to this latent and sudden investor interest?
🙇‍♂️Boredom is one of the most common human experiences, yet it seems continually to defy complete understanding.

Technology keeps us constantly stimulated. What do we lose when we no longer have nothing to do?
Illuminating read from Scott Belsky on Prefer.

🇮🇳Valid for you to read because many startups in India are building for the sector of independent service providers.
📹TikTok has created waves around the world with its social content app. In less than a year, it has reset the narrative in India as well—especially in small towns—with nearly 200 million users in its fold

📚Attached is a brief slide deck behind what’s driving the phenomenon.
Make your career great again
Here are a few open roles at well-known, vetted, and promising tech companies:
  • PM @ a Series A funded fintech startup
  • Category lead @ Series A funded e-commerce startup
  • Campus recruiters @ Series A funded ed-tech startup
Slide into my DMs if you could be interested.
Other tidbits
"You learn much more from observing than talking."

– A.R. Rahman in Outliers podcast 🎧