*|IF:MERGE1|* Hey *|MERGE1|*, *|END:IF|*
*|IF:MERGE15|* *|MERGE15|* *|END:IF|*

🏏Now that it's over, I don't know what to do with myself – I feel like a Season 2 of the World Cup is sorely needed…
🙉Depicted outside of China as a creepy digital panopticon, this network of so-called social-credit systems is seen within China as a means to generate something the country sorely lacks: trust.

For that, perpetual surveillance and the loss of privacy are a small price to pay.
👯‍♀👩🏾‍🦱Female participation in the workforce is lower in India than almost any other nation on Earth. Tackling the underlying societal and cultural reasons for this may prove to be an uphill battle.
💸In our imagination, the opposite of being spoiled—rich, entitled and overindulged—is being poor, oppressed and overworked. 

Bertrand Russell puzzled over the fact that we seem to see such people, the downtrodden, as especially good—he called this the “Superior Virtue of the Oppressed”
🇨🇳Increasingly, Chinese successes are being studied and replicated in other markets.

This report offers insights into China’s tech trailblazers and the big important trends shaping the world’s biggest internet community.
😎Replying immediately and with two words to all emails is actually heaven.
🧘‍♂️Hundreds of young people belonging to India's Jain community have begun renouncing the material world to become monks who always walk barefoot, eat only what they receive as alms and never bathe or use modern technology.
🏋️‍♂️Athletes train. Musicians train. Performers train. But knowledge workers don’t. 

🤯Knowledge workers should train like LeBron, and implement strict “learning plans.” Success is harder to measure and the metrics for improvement aren’t quite as clear.
🏘Moving Day preparations begin in earnest a month or two ahead of time, when the nomadic masses begin collecting boxes and sorting their belongings.
🧐Here are the 5 most telling signs of micromanagement – and what you can do instead.
🥎The more they play, and the more they distance themselves from almost everyone else, the more they seem to share.
🙈The malware downloads a tourist’s text messages, calendar entries, and phone logs, as well as scans the device for over 70,000 different files.
Make your career great again
Going forward – I'm thinking about showcasing select opportunities that come from well-known, vetted, and promising people & companies.

Here are a few open roles:
  • CTO @ a well-funded, growth-stage, gaming company
  • Head of BD @ an angel-funded, ed-tech startup
  • CFO @ a VC Fund
  • Senior tech writer @ an upcoming, early-stage publication
Slide into my DMs if you could be interested.
Other tidbits
"Another flaw in the human character is that everybody wants to build and nobody wants to do maintenance.”

—Kurt Vonnegut