*|IFNOT:ARCHIVE_PAGE|* *|IF:MERGE1|* Hey *|MERGE1|* , *|END:IF|* *|IF:MERGE3|* *|MERGE3|* *|END:IF|* *|END:IF|* Working from home is tough. I came across these (way out of budget) pre-fab, plug-and-play offices, which can be set up in your garden or garage.
As I was feeling sorry for myself, I came across this which put everything in perspective:
Sharon van Rouwendaal (Rio 2016, Olympic Gold Medalist) training in an inflatable pool.
The former C.E.O. thought he was riding into the sunset. Now he’s reasserting control and reimagining Disney as a company with fewer employees and more thermometers. The Walt Disney Company turned franchises like Marvel and “Star Wars” into the biggest media business in the world, and last fall it was putting the finishing touches on the image of a storied character: its chief executive, Bob Iger.
Not much is going as planned for Meg Whitman. For instance, there’s a pandemic on. When I first spoke to her for this profile in December, the new coronavirus had emerged in Wuhan already, but no one in the US was yet the wiser. In January, when Whitman gave the CES keynote about her startup, Quibi, the first death reported by Chinese media had not yet occurred.
What’s the point in showering or getting dressed? Why should I bother shaving or putting on makeup? Does it even matter whether or not I eat well, or exercise, or stick to a sleeping schedule?” This type of inner dialogue is common right now, and I understand the sentiment. But if it sounds familiar to you, be careful. Why? Because these foundational actions prime you for the day ahead: for how you feel, how you think, and all of your further actions. And when you let your foundation slide, it’s easy to drag your whole self down with it.
The search for love continues – and so does the ending of once-promising relationships. Now, though, all this is happening via videoconference. Nothing to do with Dr Seuss, then? It sounds like something that might happen to the Lorax. Or a Wocket. Nope, this is much more recent. Think the last month. Something to do with lockdown? But no one is doing any “thing”, are they? Apart from worrying, eating, drinking and not being able to read. And Zooming? Getting warmer. This has to do with Zoom, doesn’t it? The clue is in that Z. Very warm.